The Short Version
“Inviolate 2.0” describes the unique “part-time band membership” of the highly talented and professional rock and metal musicians who make up the lineup for all our live shows. At any given show, the audience will see any combination of these musicians on guitar, drums, and bass alongside Kadria (currently the sole full-time member of the band). This flexibility allows Inviolate as an entity to play as many shows and opportunities as possible, while all 2.0 musicians still have the option and creative freedom to pursue their other bands, projects and opportunities. Kadria also works with 2.0 members as “Inviolate’s creative consultants” in the songwriting process as well. As of 2017, 2.0 members now include musicians in Florida, South Carolina, and North Carolina, as well as Atlanta. Click here for Kadria’s story on how the 2.0 idea evolved, or click here to see the list of musicians currently on Inviolate’s active 2.0 roster.